A fast, modern, zero-conf load balancing HTTP(S) router for deploying microservices managed by consul
fabio is a fast, modern, zero-conf load balancing HTTP(S) and TCP router for deploying applications managed by consul. Register your services in consul, provide a health check and fabio will start routing traffic to them. No configuration required. Deployment, upgrading and refactoring has never been easier.fabio is developed and maintained by Frank Schroeder. It powers some of the largest websites in The Netherlands (marktplaats.nl), Australia (gumtree.com.au) and Italy (www.kijiji.it). It delivers 23.000 requests/sec every day since Sep 2015 without problems.It integrates with Consul, Vault, Amazon ELB, Amazon API Gateway and more.
It supports (Full feature list) * TLS termination with dynamic certificate stores * Raw TCP proxy * TCP+SNI proxy for full end-to-end TLS without decryption * HTTPS upstream support * Websockets and SSE * Dynamic reloading without restart * Traffic shaping for “blue/green” deployments, * Circonus, Graphite and StatsD/DataDog metrics * WebUI
See also
- fabio
RPM Package
- EULA </legal/software>
Software License