

The process with which we place our product range into cloud marketplaces is outlined below.

1. Set up a LBN cloud account

This is normally performed through a web browser; inputting credit card details et al.

2. Configure Compute Services

We use Hashicorp/Terraform to set up VPC’s, subnets, security group on the cloud vendor. It is necessary for the vendor to have a terraform provider. We build this provider from source and ship it as a RPM. Our current list of supported providers is terraform-provider

3. Build BastionLinux/Core

We have an Apache/Airflow process to take a Fedora baseline; configure BastionLinux/DNF and BastionLinux/Chef and deploy our baseline software and configuration.


Our baseline images are Qemu/qcow2 format; which we can stream onto a vendor cloud; but would prefer the vendor has Fedora images available which we can convert.

4. Build Product Range

We have an Apache/Airflow process to take our base BastionLinux image and BastionLinux/Chef a marketplace/product. We have a chef recipe for each product and a chef role for each marketplace/vendor.


We have a strong preference for the vendor to have a Python API for their cloud, preferably available on PyPi.

If that is not available, then we do require an Open Source command-line tool which we could integrate within our Airflow.

5. Engage Marketplace Team

There is normally a process, documents, and signatures to create a Marketplace account.

It is quite likely necessary to engage with a Marketplace operations team to publish new products and images. For example, to security scan the image.

Where possible; we will use the Vendor’s Marketplace API’s to auto-manage this within our Airflow work flows.

6. Product Lifecycle Management

Since we ship all of our software via RPM; our lifecycle management simply involves repeating this above process against our latest versions of the product and our BastionLinux stack.

We do this whenever we do a major release of the software; and/or whenever there is any security errata against anything in the image.

If you have a BastionLinux subscription; then your existing instances can also remain up-to-date.