
The way we price our marketplace images is to take the on-demand hourly price and apply a margin. Our rationale is that the vendor sets the on-demand price on the basis of processor/performance and we figure the more compute you elect to run, the more value our configuration, packaging, and lifecycle management is worth.

Some of our applications involve hundreds of RPM packages to deploy and manage. This take a lot of effort to socialise and ensure quality, secure deployments. We are presently charging somewhere between 25-50% of the on-demand price as hourly baseline depending upon our effort to produce the application.

We also recognise that commitment to long-term usage should be rewarded; so we’re offering upfront pricing at a range of durations - up to one year. These prices are the on-demand price with a discount factor applied.




30 days


90 days


6 months


1 year


Unfortunately, we don’t understand why; but on some clouds we’re unable to discover on-demand prices for some instance types. In this case, we’re unable to off the application for that instance type.