

BastionLinux is our Long Term Support distro spin of Fedora. It is our baseline from which we’ve independently shipped a huge range of software not available via the Red Hat/RPM ecosystem.

BastionLinux/Core ships with a range of built-in tools:

  • monit - system/daemon management/monitoring

  • chef-client - orchestration/update

  • consul - service advertisement and discovery

  • cloud-init - dynamically set up BastionLinux/cloud instance

  • subscription-manager - automatic management of you BastionLinux entitlements

The reason BastionLinux/Core exists is so that we can reliably manage all of the RPM dependencies of our other software channels. We are not trying to lock you into our ecosystem; and it is quite likely (but not guaranteed) that a Fedora, RHEL, or CentOS base image can consume our channels. This is a complicated and nuanced subject and unfortunately not supportable with our cloud offerings.

To that end; you may use dnf in any manner you wish to set up and configure any additional repositories you prefer.