

Grafana is an open source, feature rich metrics dashboard and graph editor for Graphite, OpenTSDB.


Graphite Target Editor

  • Graphite target expression parser

  • Feature rich query composer

  • Quickly add and edit functions & parameters

  • Templated queries


  • Fast rendering, even over large timespans

  • Click and drag to zoom

  • Multiple Y-axis, logarithmic scales

  • Bars, Lines, Points

  • Smart Y-axis formatting

  • Series toggles & colour selector

  • Legend values, and formatting options

  • Grid thresholds, axis labels

  • Annotations

  • Any panel can be rendered to PNG (server side using phantomjs)


  • Create, edit, save & search dashboards

  • Change column spans and row heights

  • Drag and drop panels to rearrange

  • Templating

  • Scripted dashboards

  • Dashboard playlists

  • Time range controls

  • Share snapshots publicly


  • Use as metric data source

  • Query editor with metric name typeahead and tag filtering

See also

Our Grafana Software

RPM Packages