


Superset is a modern data exploration and data visualization platform. Superset can replace or augment proprietary business intelligence tools for many teams. Superset integrates well with a variety of data sources.


  • A no-code interface for building charts quickly

  • A powerful, web-based SQL Editor for advanced querying

  • A lightweight semantic layer for quickly defining custom dimensions and metrics

  • Out of the box support for nearly any SQL database or data engine

  • A wide array of beautiful visualizations to showcase your data, ranging from simple bar charts to geospatial visualizations

  • Lightweight, configurable caching layer to help ease database load

  • Highly extensible security roles and authentication options

  • An API for programmatic customization

  • A cloud-native architecture designed from the ground up for scale


  1. Start an instance with 1-Click, or optionally using your cloud provider’s web/console

  2. Have just a little patience: it does take a couple of minutes for all the background services to start up in your instance. If you get connection refused or site error messages - just wait a moment

  3. Access the product via web browser at https://<your IP/public DNS>

  4. Login with user-name admin, and the instance id as password.

  5. We recommend you change the admin password for the software via https://<your ec2 public DNS>/users/userinfo/#user/admin/configure Visit BastionLinux/Continuous Integration.

See also

Our Superset Software

RPM Packages