


Jenkins hardly needs an introduction, it is the most popular open source continuous integration platform - by miles. It’s been around a long time and there is a massive range of integration plug-ins to all of the leading open and commercial source code control, automated testing, and automated deployment systems. We use it, and we’ve assured it with our Enterprise stack - complete with our integrated SSO, orchestration, and Jenkins monitoring.

In addition, we do lots of functional and system testing via Selenium with Robotframework. We’ve a wide range of tools integrating this with Jenkins too.



  1. Start an instance with 1-Click, or optionally using your cloud provider’s web/console

  2. Have just a little patience: it does take a couple of minutes for all the background services to start up in your instance. If you get connection refused or site error messages - just wait a moment

  3. Access the product via web browser at https://<your IP/public DNS>

  4. Login with user-name admin, and the instance id as password.

  5. We recommend you change the admin password for the software via https://<your IP/public DNS>/user/admin/configure